Wednesday, March 28, 2012

8 of 30: 5 Passions

If you haven't been following along from the beginning, start here.

8. What are 5 passions you have?

1. Dragons. Anyone who knows me well, knows that I can talk about them for hours. A few people also know that when I watch movies that have dragons in them, I always root for the dragon, even if they're not the heroes. It also breaks my heart when movies or books show dragons being injured or abused. There is an extremely well-written series that I will never complete because it's too painful for me to read. (The only part of the last Harry Potter movie where I cried was during the scenes with the Gringot's dragon. The raw skin and blind eyes were torture for me.)

I'm also a dragon snob. I love to have dragon calendars, art and statuary around my house, but they have to be "right" for me to buy them. I spend a lot of time analyzing the style, appearance and intent of the artwork before I decide to take it home.

2. Reading. I used to read so much that I'd forgo sleep to finish a book. I don't do that anymore because I like to linger over good stories now.
It hurts my feelings when I meet people who say they hate reading. My response is usually something like, "You must not have ever read anything good." One thing I will always be grateful to J. K. Rowlings for is bringing the joy of reading to many of my nieces and nephews.

3. Writing. I love telling stories. I love inventing stories. I love imagination and creativity. I'm a far stretch from the best, but I'm not a bad writer, if I do say so myself. :)
I have several stories in my head and, eventually, they'll all find their way out onto paper.
To read more about that, see my last blog. ;)

4. Homeschooling. I was homeschooled and I believe it was the smartest thing my mother did for me. I essentially taught myself throughout high school (with help on a few subjects) and learned a lot about seeing things through. I believe that I got a better education than I would have had in the public schools that were available to me.
I'm still flip-flopping on whether to homeschool my kids. I guess my decision will be determined by where we are living when it is time for my eldest to head off to school. If I don't have any confidence in the local schools, I won't be sending her there.
Even if I don't homeschool my own kids, I am a great supporter of people who do. It's a huge responsibility requiring a phenomenal amount of time and effort and, despite what some people say, does not make your child socially retarded.

5. Family. I love my family and I want us to be loving and close. I want my children to be best friends that can count on each other when they need someone. I want my children to feel comfortable coming to my husband and me at any time. I want my home to be a haven for those who live there and those who visit. I believe families are forever and I want my family, immediate and extended, to be together as long as possible.
Happy Blogging!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dragons..yes...I won't buy pictures of dragons that have people in them. Especially if it's a knight wielding a sword.


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