Friday, May 28, 2010

Sunday will be...


Because I just made the cutest little lap flannel board with cute little pictures for Audrey to play with during Sacrament Meeting. 

No more wiggly, jiggly, whiny, hitting-her-brother, fake-crying little girl. Right? Right?

Inspiration struck me whilst holding my little preschooler in the last 15 minutes or so of Sacrament Meeting. It was the moment of: 
"Mama, I'm hungry!" 
"It'll be time for Nursery soon." 
"Yay! See ya later!" 
"No, it's not time yet. After the prayer." 
"Do you want to go to Nursery?" 
"Then be quiet and play with your Doodle!" 
It was then that I recalled in the recesses of my mind that there were other mothers that I had observed patiently and serenely giving their children church magazines or coloring books featuring Captain Moroni and the Stripling Warriors. These perfect little angels would quietly look at the magazines or color in the books (completely in the lines, of course) and never complain or get carried out screaming by their furious-faced parents.

Hey! Can't I have perfect little angels too? Darn tootin', I can!

I printed out pictures, letters, numbers and shapes on cardstock. I colored the ones that were black and white and then used self-laminating pouches to seal them. (You can't be too careful with a drooly one-year-old in the family.) A little double-sided tape and a small square of felt, and voila! I had a cute little "quiet activity" for my daughter.

The alphabet, courtesy of Microsoft Word fonts...

Numbers 1 - 10, also courtesy of Microsoft Word fonts...

Shapes, courtesy of Microsoft Word clip art!

The Nativity! It wasn't until I finished laminating these little pictures that I realized that I was missing the star... maybe I'll just have her use the star from the previous group.... :)

And Noah's Ark. Unfortunately, this collection is missing Noah, of all things! I'll have to dig up a cartoony picture of a bearded man at some point.

I anticipate an amazing Sunday in which I can listen to the speakers, come away inspired and spiritually filled, while my two children behave themselves. It could happen...


Rebecca's Oasis said...

so, how did Sunday go? Was it all you hoped it would be?

Katscratchme said...

We actually ended up staying home for the first hour of church. (Henry REALLY needed a nap!)
So, it's been postponed until this coming Sunday. Cross your fingers for us.. :)

Anonymous said...

When you said you were going to do a flannel board, I thought that the little things would be flannel too! I was like, "What the...??" Hee hee!


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