*Yawn* I sit here typing to you while struggling with PCF: Post-Christmas Fatigue. After spending a lovely evening at Nanny and Grandfathers house, visiting with Uncles Davvid, Joe, Sam, Aunt Sasha and Nanny and Grandfather, we went home, put Audrey in her Christmas Pajamas, and considered going to bed. It was not to be. With a toddler in the house, the Christmas gifts had not been wrapped and put under the tree. So, Ben went to work with some gifts to wrap during his downtime and I settled down for a long-winters-wrap.
I finally got to bed at about 11pm. Not too bad, I suppose, but I only have one child. Nanny regailed us with tales of staying up til 6am wrapping gifts for seven children and two adults. Can you say: Yuck!?
Anyway. Ben got home around 6:15, laid his presents out under the tree and settled in bed for the next two hours with me. At 8:30, we got up and fetched Audrey, carefully avoiding the Living Room and sat down to breakfast. By 9am, we were in the Living Room wondering where to begin. Audrey was completely enamoured with the large, plush horse that was sturdy enough for her to "ride" on.
By the time we were half-way through the presents, she was starting to "get it" and helped Mama open her gifts.
All in all, it took us about an hour to take turns opening gifts, oohing and aahing in between. Thus, the PCF.
I hardly know how I'll make it through the rest of the day. Christmas comes but once a year and, right now, I'm thinking that's not such a terrible thing.
Thanks for sharing a little bit of your Christmas. It brought back memories and the "ghosts of Christmases Past."
Audrey is a mini-Emily! That little horse...just wait till Audrey begins galloping around the house.
I feel the exact same way. . . We didn't get to bed until 1:30 a.m., and then the girls were up at 2:30 a.m. Grrrrr. . . After getting them back to bed, everyone was up at 6 a.m. We were sledding by 9 a.m. Made homemade meatballs around noon and passed out at 2 p.m.
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