Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Pregnancy Updates

The last week and a half has been a little difficult for me.
Sunday, the 25th, while having breakfast I realized that I was having difficulty breathing. I had been unconsciously trying to sit up straighter or stretch my back to relieve it. None of that worked and that's when I think I noticed the problem in the first place. This made me anxious because I couldn't think of any reason why it should be happening.
The breathing problem continued through the morning in Sacrament Meeting and this upset me (not helping the problem at all). I was just sitting there, doing nothing! Ben and I remembered this happening while I was pregnant with Audrey and so he started checking my pulse. Sitting there, not exerting myself at all, my pulse was up at about 100bpm! That revelation did nothing for my attempts to calm myself down either. We ended up leaving church early (which I felt guilty about) and I laid down as soon as I got home.
The shortness of breath/racing heart hasn't gone away in the last week and a half. In fact, a couple of days that we were checking my pulse, I was topping up at 120bpm. We called my doctors office and they said what I was experiencing was fairly normal and not to worry about it unless I wasn't able to go about my normal routine.

I was just starting to get the hang of that when I started having mild contractions on Monday. They weren't painful, just very uncomfortable. They were coming at about 15 minutes apart and ranged from barely noticeable to "I can't MOVE!!" Again, they seemed to be triggered by nothing. By dinner, they hadn't gone away and we called a good friend who was a nurse way back when. She suggested drinking an obscene amount of water and resting. She said if they didn't start going away after that, to call my doctors office. Eighty to ninety ounces of water and 2 hours later, they hadn't quit, so we called the doctors office. When the on call doctor called back, they were starting to fade. He told us not to worry unless they started coming at about 10 minutes apart... oh, wonderful.

So, I've been keeping up on the water and trying to rest (much to the consternation of my inner cleaning lady). I didn't have any contractions that I was aware of yesterday. Apparently, my little issues aren't uncommon enough to warrant notice from anyone but the people it directly effects.

We'll keep you all updated on my progress. I'm sure everything will be fine, but I'm not having any fun in the mean time. On that happy note....


Judy Prestwich said...

My daughter Alyssa had similar problems with two of her pregnancies. It was very frightening (I was there for one of the episodes.) It turned out to be lack of water. Hopefully that is what yours are too, because it is easily solved (sort of.) Hope you feel better.

Anonymous said...

That happened to me with Eva. It was AWEFUL. And do you know what is worse?? That is happens all the time and I'm NOT pregnant...blah...Our family has a history of heart problems. You might get it checked out some day. Eva's pediatrician wants me to take Eva in to a cardiologist, because she has a heart murmur. Sigh... I am sorry you are feeling crappy! Just another 3.5 months! You can make it!

Lauri said...

If you need anything at all, please let me know!!!! :) I hope you start feeling better soon!

Rebecca's Oasis said...

Drink lots of water - it is good for you and the baby.

I have a heart murmur too... :)

Trillium said...

my sister has a heart murmur--its why she couldn't join the air force when she was 18


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